ESG Initiatives

We continuously seek opportunities for improvement with a focus on the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

Check below the main initiatives of the Company regarding the ESG criteria or click here to view the complete presentation.


Sustainable environmental management

The commitment to sustainability is present throughout our business chain: it starts in the forests and is completed by our actions in the surrounding communities, promoting a cycle of prosperity and sustainability.

As we are a renewable forest-based industry, the interaction between processes and the environment is a key driver of prosperity in our business.

We constantly seek opportunities for improvement that impact operational effectiveness, the sustainable management of natural resources and the creation of new businesses based on strategies focused on circular economy.


We are prepared for the challenges ahead, certain that sustainability is one of the main components of our way to do business.

Periodic monitoring of fauna and flora

in our forest areas

More than R$
1 million
invested in environmental management processes
More than
1 hours
of environmental education benefiting more than 3,297 people
clean development mechanisms registered with the UN
1 st
Brazilian company to have a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory certified in accordance with ISO14064:2006

Main certifications

Forestry and Paper, Packaging and Resin Business
Forestry and Paper, Packaging and Resin Business
Packaging Business
Forestry and Paper, Packaging and Resin Business


Corporate Governance

We adopt a governance structure based on transparency, social and environmental responsibility, ethics, courage, cordiality, innovation and pioneering spirit, in addition to the best practices for relationships with shareholders and other stakeholders.

People development

At Irani, people are and will always be at the center of all strategies so that we can continue to be one of the best companies to work for. To that end, we have created five structuring programs:

Our commitment to the communities

In all the cities and towns where we operate, we offer the local community programs to foster the development of children and youth based on initiatives focused on education, citizenship, sports and the environment.